Hazardous waste removal
When waste poses a potential threat to public health or the environment, it is classified as hazardous waste. Hazardous waste can take many forms including: solids, liquids, sludge or contained gases. These require careful handling.
This is where our hazardous waste removal services come in.
We provide safe and legally compliant collection, treatment, recovery and disposal services for hazardous waste removal. We carefully track the process from the collection to disposal of waste, in a reliable and efficient manner.
Hazardous waste removal
When waste poses a potential threat to public health or the environment, it is classified as hazardous waste. Hazardous waste can take many forms including: solids, liquids, sludge or contained gases. These require careful handling.
This is where our hazardous waste removal services come in.
We provide safe and legally compliant collection, treatment, recovery and disposal services for hazardous waste removal. We carefully track the process from the collection to disposal of waste, in a reliable and efficient manner.

‘Rubbish’ Facts
1 recycled plastic bottle would save enough energy to power a 60-watt light bulb for 3 hours.